Saturday, October 15, 2011

WOOOHOOO! we now have a small awning on the bus... mind you, I found myself rather short to help out without being on a step!!! I think it will do nicely don't you?

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Its just around the corner so its time to get a halloween kit together and seeing as my friend, Flitters, made some posers I thought I would use one of hers.. to see the rest of the goodies she has made just go to her site and say hello, don't forget to thank her for all the good work she does for us :) Her site is here at Coppermoon
Now for the kit, its tagger sized and for personal use only... I hope you like it :)
You can get it  Here
It would be nice to hear from you if you have the time :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Scrap for Charity

Hi there... I have a taggers sized scrap kit for charity all proceeds go to Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) its a huge kit, nice and bright, one for the kids! and you can find it here at  Karen's Scraps and Graphics.
Karen is deeply involved with this charity and I wanted to help out and I will be adding to the charity kit section on my travels around Australia so if this one is not for you, keep checking back :) Here is the preview
This is no longer available at Karens Scrapes and Graphics.